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A summary of writings and media mentions


Pro Take: Remote Work’s Persistence Helps Keep Housing Prices High Outside Big Cities

(an interview on the Wall Street Journal PRO, Central Banking, January 2025)

Current Trade Policy Challenges and Opportunities: the Path(s) Forward

(a panel discussion with March Busch, Chris Condon, Brad Jensen, and Ralph Ossa, September 2024)

State of the Capital Region 2024:  Crimes, Convictions, and Corrections: Long-Run Trends in the Capital Region

(with Domonic Bearfield, Leah Brooks, and Stan Veuger, May 2024)

Return to Work is a Bigger Trend in Smaller Cities (an interview on, March 2024)

Why Smaller Cities Are Bouncing Back First (on UrbanLand Magazine, October 2023)

Big US city downtowns 'stuck' behind smaller rivals in pandemic recovery (an interview on the Financial Times, August 2023)

Unpacking Transaction Trends in U.S. Multifamily and Office Deals (on UrbanLand Magazine. April 2023)

Communication Costs, Science and Innovation (on, July 2022)


Attracting Talent During a Worker Shortage (HBR, June 2021; with Tino Sanandaji, Alexandra Ham, and Atta Tarki)

The Most Expensive Commutes in America Aren’t in NYC or San Francisco (an interview on Bloomberg, February 2019)

Perché la TAV giova al mercato? (in Italian, on, February 2019)


The Geography of Consumption (on, July 2018)


Commuting, Migration and Local Employment Elasticities (on, December 2015)


Firms Reorganize To Grow (by hiring workers that know and earn less) (on, August 2012)


Selected Media Coverage for "Culture, Gender, and Math" (May 2008)

· AAAS EurekAlert!· · Bloomberg · CBS News · Die Zeit (in German) · Kellogg Insight · La Repubblica (in Italian) · Telegraph · The Economist · WebMD

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